The Realm of Eros
The Realm of Eros is one of the mightiest empires in the entire known world. For more than 200 years they have been the dominant power in southern Aurea with their combination of a strong government and powerful army. The equally named capitol is the grand golden city of Eros which lies in the south-eastern corner of the Realm itself. Other great cities in the Realm are: City of Eros, Nemis, Cadma, Aganium, Helitassus, Phoclyos, Megapion and Port Karission.
Although most of the Realm of Eros is located on the continent of Aurea, colonies and new cities have also been established on the southern continent of Ebodos and as far as the lands surrounding the Sea of Phillipos.
The myths say that the golden City of Eros was founded by the legendary god Aur, king of the Erosian Gods. But it is more likely that the city was founded by refugees from the southern continent of Ebedos or from the neighboring island of Naxios. The city itself has been continuously inhabited for about 700 years but has had its heyday for the past 200 years. After years of being a oligarchy, Aeson I changed the form of government of the Realm of Eros into an absolute imperial state after a few years of troubles. The era has been adjusted accordingly: The year of Aeson’s coronation would from now on be known as year 1 of the new Erosian era.
Allies of the Realm of Eros include some of the Valish Kingdoms of the north. The eternal rival of Eros is the eastern Jagradian Empire. After the conquest of Cadma from the Empire of Jagrad by the Realm of Eros, there has always been tension between the two great powers. Nevertheless, there have been no notable battles in the last 50 years.
There is also a great disapproval of the Nikta in the Tellarian peninsula. After years of mutual assaults, Emperor Aeson IV decided to attack the Nikta. But the forests of Tellaria were empty territory for the heroic soldiers of Eros. Battling there way through hordes of Nikta goblins there final battle was before the Marshes of Kowszie. It was there that one of the great leaders of Eros – Amanthyn “The Goblin Killer”, father of Solon “The Wise“ – found his demise. His troops were scattered and the Nikta Goblins prevailed, although the battle had cost them much. From this point on forwards the Nikta were no longer capable of raising massive, united, armies.
After the death of Amanthyn, Solon withdrew the troops from Nemis, sad as he was by the death of his father, they returned to Nemis. With the loss of such a huge force, Aeson IV did not dare to continue his efforts to further eradicate the goblins. Instead of conquering the land and exterminating the Nikta, Aeson decided to confine them to their own peninsula in the year 154 by building a great wall in the narrow part of the peninsula. The wall became known as the Great Wooden Wall of Phoclyos.
In the year 186 the Realm of Eros started its conquest of the region of Breasia, and subsequently the war against the there living Brear. Already in the first year of the conquest the army of Eros took the largest city of (then known) Tracabra from the ruling king Vortisar “The Unfair”. After five years the realm finally conquered the region and added it underneath the influence of the realm. The Brear would eventually revolt against their new rulers twice more. The two events would come to be known as the Rebellions of the Brear.
The Realm of Eros is located on the southern coastlines of the continent of Aurea. It is a mountainous country with some very large cities but also smaller hidden mountain villages. In addition, there are also several islands or archipelagos off the Aurian coast.
The Realm of Eros runs from the city of Cadma in the east to the town of Pelanium in the west.
The Realm of Eros is adjacent to the Empire of Jagrad in the east. In addition, Eros borders several Valish kingdoms and lands in the North. In the south-west is the Tellaria peninsula which is separated by the Great Wooden Wall.
Governance is not uniform throughout the Realm, which is something you would expect. For example, several cities are led by a magistrate, but the city of Nemis, for example, has its own lord, Lord Solon. There are even some kings, but they all answer to the great emperor of Eros.
However, all individual provinces and cities fall under the authority of the emperor, in this case Emperor Lysander II.
In addition, all parts of the Realm and important cities also have one or more emissaries in the Senate of Eros. It is therefore also mandatory for all these areas to have a constant physical representation in the city of Eros. The only current region (218 AAC) that has no representation in the senate is the region of Nakadonia, as a result of the Nemisian Civil War.
The senate is currently made up of 100 different senators from all regions of the realm. The current leader, also know as “The First Servant of the City” is Septus Durios, who belongs to the conservative erosian faction.
A dictator in the Realm of Eros is one of the four highest-ranking generals in the country. There are currently only four Dictators, named the Dictatorii. These leaders have only the emperor himself above them and they have control on a partion of the total Erosian army. The Dictators are: Alexos “The Wolf”, of the Southern Erosian Army, Myrina “The Fierce”, of the Western Erosian Army, Ketimnon “The Wind of the East”, of the Eastern Erosian Army, Varikanos “Longspear”, of the Northern army.
After the Dictatorii come the Strategii. A strategos is just one rank lower than a dictator. Most dictators have more than one strategos to help them with their daily tasks. Most dictators themselves started out as strategos in their careers and then progressed to the position of Dictator. A strategos generally has a broader knowledge of a certain field with which he supports his dictator. For example, Alaster from Megapion is known as an excellent planner in the field of logistics.
The Realm of Eros has a continuous standing army, which consists of highly skilled professional soldiers. Anyone who joins the army of Eros is required to have trained for two years as a recruit or cadet. After that recruits become soldiers but it will still take them two years before they are accepted as a seasoned soldier. After this it is possible for skilled young men – if they are from noble birth – to join the Militium Aurumnus in the City of Eros to become officers. There they are trained and scholared by the best teachers, and generals of the Realm.
The Erosian fleet is called the Silver Fleet and they are being led by the Navarchs of Eros. A Navarch is one of the highest admirals of the Erosian Silver fleet. The difference with the Dictatorii is that there are more Navarchs and that the ships of the Navarchs are private possession. This also creates a completely different dynamic than with the ordinary land army, which is directly under the control of the emperor and the senate. The Navarchs are also indirectly under the Emperor’s control in emergencies, but most of the time they offer their ships and fleet to the highest bidder.
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