The City of Jagrad
The City of Jagrad is one of the great eastern cities, lying on the Xantian isthmus connecting the continents of Aurea and Ebedos. The City of Jagrad is also the capitol of the Empire of Jagrad or Jagradian Empire.
The king of Jagrad controls not only the City of Jagrad, but the entire Jagradian Empire.
Jagrad is one of the oldest cities in all of Aurea and has been inhabited for nearly 1000 years. Jagrad has become rich because of it is a hub of trade routes, connecting the northern continent of Aurea with the southern continent of Ebedos.
Jagrad was for many years the capital of the Southern Medryan Empire and was a city in decay. It was after the coming of Adan “The First”, and his conquest of the Northern Medryan Empire, thus creation the Empire of Jagrad, that the City of Jagrad again gained influence in the region.
Also, many pilgrims visit the city every year to look upon the holy obelisk of Adan-Maduk, a shrine in many religions, named after Adan “The First” and the greatest god of Jagradian religion: Madruk. There are also more temples in the city, dedicated to other gods of the Jagradian pantheon, like Rahu.
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