Shinar The Follower

Shinar “The Follower” is known as a captain of the Night’s Cult. Before he joined the Children of the Moon – or the Night’s Cult – he was associated with the group arround Babak “The Boss”, both in Jagrad as in Jerit.

Shinar The Follower Illustration


Shinar “The Follower” (b. 178) is a notorious figure from the city of Jerit, known for his rise within the criminal underworld and his connections to powerful syndicates. His life is marked by ruthless ambition, loyalty to key criminal figures, and involvement in the infamous masamite mines of Bunan.

Early Life

Shinar was born in the free city of Jerit in the year 178. From an early age, he became involved in petty crime, working as a pickpocket under the employ of Tissakar, a local goblin kingpin. Tissakar, who hired children to rob travelers and merchants in the streets of Jerit, nurtured Shinar’s early criminal career.

Following Tissakar’s assassination at the hands of Regkusâ “The Bunan Boss”, Shinar shifted his loyalty to the new ruler, quickly ingratiating himself with one of Regkusâ’s captains, Babak. Babak was impressed by Shinar’s efficiency and his cold, ruthless approach to carrying out orders. Shinar became Babak’s trusted right-hand man, demonstrating his ability to handle even the most brutal tasks with unwavering resolve.

Rise to Power

For years, Shinar acted as Babak’s enforcer on the streets of Jerit, using intimidation and violence to extract tribute from merchants and traders. His unwavering loyalty and competence earned him further trust within the syndicate. In recognition of their work, Regkusâ entrusted Babak and Shinar with the management of the masamite mines of Bunan, the most valuable asset of the goblin syndicate in Jerit. These sacred mines produced masamite ore, a highly prized material known for its diverse magical properties.

Flight from Jerit

In 202, Babak, together with another partner named Heri, ran afoul with a high noble from Jerit, killing the nobleman in the process, forcing them to flee the city for fear of reprisal. Shinar, now deeply tied to Babak and the criminal enterprise, had no choice but to join them in exile. Together with Heri they traveled along the northern trade routes,.

Upon reaching a crossroads inn, a rift formed between the group. Babak continued north to the city of Jagrad, while Heri, accompanied by Shinar, set out for the west, to Bamasa, Jerit’s great enemy to the south. Heri believed that their best chance for safety lay in traveling to Bamasa, in the far south of the Uum peninsula.

Life in Bamasa

Shinar and Heri arrived in Bamasa in 202, where they resumed their criminal activities, engaging in theft, extortion, and other illicit enterprises. However, the stability they sought did not last long. In 203, the armies of Al’nur laid siege to Bamasa, demanding control of the city. Although the city council attempted to resist, they were betrayed by their own household guards, known as the Council’s Guardians.

For three days, the Guardians razed the city while the forces of Al’nur waited outside. Shinar and Heri refrained from engaging in the conflict, but Heri was nonetheless killed by the Guardians due to his Jeritian heritage and his association with goblins. Shinar narrowly escaped the city’s destruction and fled Bamasa on the last day of summer in 203, setting his sights on Jagrad.

Reunion in Jagrad

By early 204, Shinar had arrived in Jagrad, where he reunited with Babak. The two resumed their partnership, with Shinar once again serving as Babak’s trusted right-hand man.

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